キタ━━━━━━(゜∀゜)━━━━━━ !!!!!
ついに来週The South Bankが立ち上がるそうです.
私達は来週、The South Bank(南銀行)を立ち上げる準備をしている6カ国の南アメリカの大統領達(アルゼンチン、ボリビア、ブラジル、エクアドル、パラグアイ、ベネズエラ)に公開書簡を送ろうとしています。みなさんの団体賛同署名をお願いします。私達は、私達が闘い続けている債務やコンディショナリティ(融資や債務「救済」の際に、新自由主義政策的な経済改革を条件付けること)といった政策を新しい南銀行は踏襲すべきでない、という世界の運動やキャンペーンの主張に彼等が耳を傾けるべきだと思っています。
Jubilee South/Americas(ubileosur@wamani.apc.org)
International Observatory on DebtのJorge Marchini
その故に私達は、地域の人々の従属と死を継続させる南米インフラ計画(South American Regional Infrastructure Initiative (IIRSA))のようなメガプロジェクトや、他の搾取的で環境破壊を引き起こす産業、社会的排除を引き起こすような投資に資金提供するために南銀行が使われることに強く反対する。
Jubilee South
Comittee for the Elimination of Third World Debt
International Debt ObservatoryPolicy Alternatives for the Southern Cone (PACS)-Brazil
PAPDA - Haiti
American Association of Jurists, UN-Geneva Representation
Dear Friends and comrades -We invite you to join your organization endorsement to this Open
Letter to the six presidents of South America (Venezuela, Bolivia,
Ecuador, Brasil, Argentina and Paraguay), who are preparing to launch
next week, the SOUTH BANK. We think it is important for them to hear
from movements and campaigns around the world, who are hopeful that
the new South Bank will not repeat the same policies of debt and
conditionality that we continue to struggle against.Please let us hear from you NO LATER THAN JUNE 21.
ThanksFor Jubilee South/Americas,
Beverly Keene
Open letter
To the Presidents of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay,
and Venezuela
Dear Sirs,
The undersigned networks, organizations, and social movements,
actively engaged in the struggle against the tragedy of the external
debt and the perverse policies and practices of he existing
international financial institutions, are writing to you in the
understanding that the decision of your governments to create the
South Bank can mean an enormous step and opportunity for Latin America
and the Caribbean as well as for other regions of the South.Over recent decades the region has experienced repeated cycles of
financial peaks followed by disasters that have deeply marked the
involution of living and working conditions and of public and social
expenditures.It is not enough to redress the negative consequences of our recent
history which are well known; it is necessary as well to generate an
alternative regional financial system that is consistent with the need
to give absolute priority to the overcoming of the poverty,
marginality and structural underdevelopment caused by the huge public
and social costs of the financial disasters, the policies of
deregulation and privatization promoted and conditioned by the lending
institutions, and the growth of a gigantic illegitimate debt.It is evident that the existing international financial bodies - IMF,
WB, IDB - have become more and more discredited for the nature of
their policies, their anti-democratic character, and the lack of
transparency of their actions, to the point that not only are their
results questioned, but also the very architecture of the current
financial and monetary system.We believe that the South Bank must be part of a unitary regional
response, together with the founding of a South stabilization fund, a
common regional currency, the undertaking of audits of internal and
external debt claims, and the non-payment of those debts
illegitimately demanded of our countries. A response that contributes
to the cutting the ties of dependency with uncertain and highly
speculative global capital markets, enabling the region to channel its
own savings power, stop capital flight, and invest its resources in
accordance with the social and economic needs of the people.The sole formulation of the need for an alternative financial
institution is not enough even if it is very important. The debate on
the implementation of an alternative South-South bank is of utmost
importance, and for that reason we support the demand of many
organizations and movements in the region, that national and regional
instances be created immediately in order to insure the necessary
information, participation, and consultation with the organizations in
societies which will be affected by the creation of the South Bank.At the same time, and at the current instance of definitions, we think
that it is essential that the South Bank start out with clear
definitions regarding its resources, objectives, organization,
regulations, decision-making, management, and operations, in such a
way that:
a) It defines as its central goal the promotion of the member
countries' and the region's own development with sovereignty and in
solidarity. Development defined as the unfolding of the attributes,
resources, and potential of persons, communities and peoples; a
process that cannot take place without their being the principal
b) It constitutes its capital and management structure in an
egalitarian way among the member countries.
c) It clearly defines that credit allocations will be for the
strengthening of the public and social sector; giving priority to the
redistribution of wealth and to environmental protection; contributing
to the overcoming of existing asymmetries; and responsive to peoples'
lives and welfare, for their economic, social, cultural, and
environmental rights and for their right to their own development and
self-determination. For this reason we explicitly reject the use of
the South Bank for the financing of megaprojects like the South
American Regional Infrastructure Initiative (IIRSA), or other
extractive, contaminating, or socially-exclusive investments that
serve to continue the plunder and death of the region's peoples.
It explicitly establishes open mechanisms for public information and
control, establishing that the banks officials and employees will have
no personal immunity or fiscal privileges, that the rendering of
accounts will be made known and put to the consideration of
Parliaments and of civil society, and that all information shall be
considered public.
We believe that all of the above is in keeping with the Ministers'
Statement of Quito, May 3rd, 2007, where it points out: "The people
have given their governments a mandate to provide the region with new
instruments of integration for development that must be based on
democratic, transparent, and participatory schemes that are
responsible to their constituencies."The current regional and international economic and financial
situation is favourable to take concrete steps in this direction, but
it may not last. We hope that this historic possibility is put to use
in order to create a truly Peoples' South Bank.Sincerely,
Jubilee South
Comittee for the Elimination of Third World Debt
International Debt Observatory
Policy Alternatives for the Southern Cone (PACS)-Brazil
PAPDA - Haiti
American Association of Jurists, UN-Geneva Representation
…To add your organization's endorsement, please send a message to
Jubilee South/Americas at jubileosur@wamani.apc.org, and/or
International Observatory on Debt/Jorge Marchini,
●やったねチャベス - 【ねこまたぎ通信】
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