
Σ(゜◇゜;)  たちぶく~~ Σ(゜◇゜;)

フィリピン、スペイン両政府が豪外相の発言を非難/ 2004年07月27日(火)


Philippines, Spain Defend Iraq Decisions




Downer said that because the Philippines capitulated to the terrorists, more hostages have been taken in Iraq.
The Philippine's national security adviser, Norberto Gonzalez, lashed out at Downer for linking the new threats to the troop withdrawal.
"It's very narrow-minded," Gonzalez told The Associated Press by telephone. Instead of looking for scapegoats, Australia and other countries in the coalition
that invaded Iraq should re-examine why the insurgency there has intensified in recent months, Gonzalez said. He didn't elaborate.
"Our condition is different. We have over 1 million Filipinos scattered in the Middle East, and we need to safeguard them," he said.
In Spain, Socialist party spokesman Trinidad Jimenez said Sunday the government would "never have accepted threats of a terrorist group"(以下、略)

